You will find PlayStation 5 consoles in Game City branches. Both branches have dedicated VIP rooms and outdoor gaming spaces.
1 FITPASS PS5 - 2 controller 40 minute
2 FITPASS PS5 - 2 controller 1 hr and 20 minute
VIP room:
1 FITPASS PS5 - 2 controller 30 min
2 FITPASS PS5 - 2 controller 1 hr
Working hours
Monday 11:00-03:00
Tuesday 11:00-03:00
Wednesday 11:00-03:00
Thursday 11:00-03:00
Friday 11:00-03:00
Saturday 11:00-03:00
Sunday 11:00-03:00
Comments and ratings (16)
How to leave a comment ?
If you want to leave a comment and a review, you need to go to the desired object, check in, and in the evening you will receive an e-mail (your Fitpass registration e-mail address will be used) with instructions on how to leave a review.
“თამბაქოს სუნი დგას , რაც არამწეველისთვის ძალიან შემაწუხებელია, სხვამ მხრივ ნორმალურია, ითამაშებ ..”
“კაითემა რა ძან”
“v NC.”
“its okay”